This morning I spent a wonderful 40 minutes skyping with Wade. It was great. I always enjoy my time that I spend with him. He is fine - a little homesick, but then again he's feeling a little touch of stomach flu or something and he thinks that is contributing to him missing home more. He does have some activities coming up this week that will enhance his Friday post. I can't wait!
I worked on homework for my Spiritual Leadership Class. One of the chapters I had to read was on time management. This was especially meant for me this morning. I seem to have so many activities and responsibilities - I tend to overextend myself and that is so frustrating and stressful for me.
No matter your status, occupation, or stage in life, we are all given the same amount of time. Why is it some people seem to have more?? It's all in the management. Not taking on everything new that is offered, but to be selective and open to the Lord's leading on what to commit to:
"God has a plan for each person that is uniquely suited to that individual. Unlike people, God never piles on more than someone can handle. God never overbooks people. God never drives his servants to the point of breakdown. God never burns people out. God never gives people tasks that are beyond the strength or ability he provides........... The key for overworked leaders is to examine each of their current responsibilities to determine whether they had inadvertently assumed ownership for things God has not intended them to carry." [Spiritual Leadership, Henry & Richard Blackaby] Why do people get burnt out, overworked, overbooked? They're not following God's agenda. In an attempt to be a pleasing person, to be liked, to be appreciated, oftentimes people take on too much.
And my message - to me - is to back up, slow down, examine my priorities and ask God what His agenda is for me. I need to be brave enough to say no to people unless I truly believe that God is leading me into it. I need to fulfill my commitments, but also to be selective on upcoming offers. My goal is to be in God's will.
"Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is." Ephesians 5:17-17
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