Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 273

Confusion reigns right now. I woke up early this morning (like about 4:00) and realized I had not posted a blog last night. I have had so much activity and so many things to do, that it slipped my mind. By the time I was ready to sit and relax - I just went to bed and read. My apologies - I hope Tiffany was able to sleep anyway. 
So, Sunday morning I got to attend the Adult Sunday School class and to attend Adult church. That has not happened in a long, long time and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 
When I came home I had lunch with the family and we had:
Curried Chicken with Rice
"Gigantor" Artichokes
Biscuits or French Bread
Weight-Watcher-Worthy Chocolate Cream Pie
That was all nice and it was a good time together. Once that was over I had 4 hours to myself until I had to leave for the Living Christmas Tree again. I napped a little, watched a little tv, then I went and washed all the dishes. As soon as I sat down again, Tiffany called and we had a nice phone call until it was time for me to get ready to go. I fed the animals and I had some cottage cheese with fruit and jello. Some may not think that is very good, but I love it. 
So the Living Christmas tree went good and we had a great time with the children up in Kid's Town. There were 15 all together and 4 adults. Mr. Mike (Parks) entertained them for a while with a phone app called "Fat Booth" It was hilarious - you take a picture of someone's face, then through this app it will appear as if they gained 200 pounds more. SO funny with all the children getting to see themselves with their faces blown up. I put the app on my phone but I was just flat-out scary and will never show anyone that picture!!! 
I arrived home finally at about 9:00 and I relaxed with a bowl of popcorn and then headed off to bed. And that's where my memory lapsed until 4:00 this morning. 
Now as for Mr. Wide - he was enjoying his last day in Iraq and making sure all his preparations were done. He is heading home and just so excited about that. He has some people that are helping and working hard to expedite the process and we may get to see him in just a few days here. 
I'll report more about that tonight in my regular-timed blog. 

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