Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 160

Saturday - Day Two of Beth Moore - 
Eight women - up before the sun and we met at the church parking lot at 6:30. One thing I like about going with women that I don't know that well, is that we become closer because of the time we spend together and our shared experiences. In our large, large church - that is nice to make these connections. We arrived at the venue at 7:15 and worship started around 8:30. This was such a great day with wonderful worship music and two sessions with Beth Moore. I really can't share what she talked about yet because I am still rolling it around in my head. I need to look again at my notes and do more studying in the Word. But, the LORD definitely spoke to me through this wonderful servant and I need to sort it in my head and solidify it in my soul. But the theme for this weekend was "PREPARE", and what that means to us - in the various ways He has prepared for us and prepared us. So good. 
That is Beth on the screen and at the end of the aisle below the last 'RE' in the word PREPARE.
(Not the woman in all white but at the other end of the aisle)
Even though we were all sleep-deprived, it was so worth it. We arrived back at the church at around 1:30 and I did a quick run to the store. Then I went home for lunch and a nap. 
Jaide & Jared arrived here at 5:30. We went out for a dinner at Golden Corral. It was crowded and the food wasn't that great (to me) but the kids loved it. After that we went to WalMart to pick up some cookies, frozen pancakes, and bubble bath. Right now, Jaide is soaking in the tub while Jared watches Rocky & Bullwinkle. When her time in the tub is up, Jared will go in for a soaking and she'll watch the tv. They are spending the night and we'll all get up and go to church in the morning. 

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