Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 171

Wednesday - 
2 hours - 
35 kids - 
4 adults - 
8 Beatitudes - 
This was our night. All summer we've been going over one beatitude each week. Summer is wrapping up here too. We have this week and next week and "Summer Kids" will be over. Tonight we taught the kids how to remember the beatitudes using the numbers 1 through 8 on our fingers. It works good. At least all the adults got it!! 
Videos, crafts, and snacks were also squeezed in there. Pretty hectic night - but I'm glad to have made it through another Wednesday. But also, I love spending that time upstairs with them.  
Today was the first day of school for all Springfield area kids. The house was very quiet. Peggy went off to work today too. 
I got homework done, I cleaned up the dogs' yard, treated myself to a pedicure, and rested in the afternoon before going to the church. 
Thunderstorms are expected to arrive soon. We REALLY need some rain here and all day it's been extremely hot and humid. 
Wade wrote that someone had gone out and brought him a pizza and some french fries today. He was so happy to get that. He said the pizza was delicious! That's nice to hear. He's also been dreaming about breakfasts that I will fix for him once he comes home. 

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