Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 216

Another beautiful Indian Summer day. I had Jaide & Jared here this morn-ing with me. We went out to break-fast at Frisch's. They had the breakfast buffet and I ordered off the menu. I have tried taking them to Golden Corral on other occasions, but I'm sorry, that place just grosses me out. I can't eat there - or better yet, it's the perfect place for me to go if I want to lose weight. We did a little bit of shopping after breakfast and went home. Before they returned to their home, we watched two more episodes of "Rocky and Bullwinkle". 
I am still working on becoming Rebekah for tomorrow. I've gone over the script - and I figure most of my talk will be ad-libed, but I will still need a few reminders from notes. However, I will make it work. I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out. 
Tonight at 5:00 I got a visit from the oil delivery man. My heating oil had finally arrived. You can see the truck parked on the road and the hose run across the lawn to the pipe. So glad to see him come to visit me. We got 768 gallons of oil today. That was surprising to me, the company thought we only had a 550 gallon tank - so maybe it's a 1,000 gallon tank instead. And we've been putting away money into an account all year long to pay for this so it's not going to be too stressful for us. 
 Peggy took the kids to the Apple Butter Festival in Enon this afternoon and when I went out on the porch tonight, I saw their purchases. Good sized pumpkins (or pumkens) and nice that they labeled them too!  Very cute. 

1 comment:

Barbara Watson said...

We've had a spectacular week of summer this fall week too. Am LOVING it. Very cute pumpkins from your pumkens.