Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 223

Some days all I can do is just sigh. Today was a 'sigh-ful' day. Nothing exciting happened and I can't report on anything worth reporting. 
In the mail this afternoon this is one of the things I received:
Most of the rest of the mail went right into the circular file, you know credit card offers, sales fliers, bulk mailings that are not very remarkable. But I thought, "Good, something to read and look through this afternoon."...............
Then I opened it and....... "sigh"............ see what's wrong? What's missing? The whole magazine....... I went through all the rest of my mail hoping that it just fell out and got mixed up with all the rest. Nope...... "sigh"...... I can just imagine it bumping around in some mail carrier's bundle or crate  somewhere between here and Iowa......... "sigh".
Sometimes life is like that - just because  -  events that aren't earth-shattering, but just cause us to ...... "sigh". And I seem to think that in ways that's how we're sometimes tested, examined, watched, listened to....... to see how deep our sighs are, how long our sighs are, how emotional........ and what do we do after we sigh. Remember that people are a witness to our sighs, friends, co-workers, family, children. What they see is an indicator to them of what we're really, really like. People are watching our reactions. But also, God is watching. Constantly the invisible witness to everything and He is taking notes too. 
So today's sigh told me, "Big deal, it happens, move on, and think on the good things."
"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."  Philippians 4:8

PS: This is my project that I worked on this afternoon and it will be given away tomorrow morning. 

1 comment:

Wade said...

I could sure use one of those cookies......sigh...