Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 126

Today was Sunday and Wade was planning on skyping with our Sunday School class. I went to church with Peggy, Jaide, and Jared. Jaide was beside herself because right after church she would be leaving for Camp Marengo for a week. 
On our way into the church building (we used a different door than we nor-mally do) and there on a bulle-tin board was a photo tribute to all current servicemen for the 4th of July. 
But there down on the very bottom was a photo of Wade too. No one told me it was there. That was a nice sur-prise. I think they are planning on keeping the board up for a while. It's on the wall next to the Fireside Room. 
So after church we hung around to say goodbye to Jaide as she drove off to Camp Marengo. 
There are so many kids going this week that they had to use the BIG bus. The BIG bus with NO air con-ditioning.  
Phew!! It's gonna be a long hot drive for all those kids. Around 25 children and 7-8 teenagers working as counse-lors. There was a delay and all the parents and other family members stood out in the sun on the blacktop while the kids baked in the bus. The trip to camp will take 90 minutes and they will be returning on Friday around noon.  
We stopped and picked up Lee's Famous Recipe Chicken for lunch to take home. We had a nice meal together; Jason, Peggy, Jared, and I. 
Unfortunately, we didn't get to skype with Wade this morning due to a mix up with the computers. We're going to try it again next week. But, I did get an email from Wade this morning and he told me he got mail today. So he had at least 3 boxes of goodies and other miscellaneous items to go through. I am looking forward to my skype session with him tomorrow morning. 

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