Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 128

Another warm day. According to Wade's standards 95 degrees is just warm. But the humidity cranks that 95 up to seem like over 100 degrees here in Springfield. Maybe we'll get more thunderstorms tonight.  
Just for fun I posted this picture. These are actually relatives of Wade's.
Their last name is Timmons - I believe they're cousins somehow. 
I've been on the go most of the day. I had an early doctor's appointment. Then to Hannah House and the finances, plus I took one of the residents to her counseling session on the other side of Springfield. 
I had a pedicure this afternoon and went to Weight Watchers tonight. I'm also working on some jello molds for snack for tomorrow night with the kids. I'll have pictures of that tomorrow. It's gonna be cool!! 
I heard from Wade this morning and he is overloaded with work. He's super-dee-dooper busy.
Sorry for the brief-ness, but there's not much to report tonight.  

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