Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 194


  [ley-zee]  Show IPA adjective, -zi·er, -zi·est,verb, -zied, -zy·ing.
1. averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent.
2. causing idleness or indolence: a hot, lazy afternoon.
3. slow-moving; sluggish: a lazy stream
   (See diagram at left)

Can we be any lazier??
It was chilly this morning. After breakfast we wound up in the living room with little blankets over our legs and it felt very comfortable. Wade has discovered the whole first year's series of "Game of Thrones" on and spent the day watching all the episodes. I just had to keep him company and watched other shows on the TV while he had his earphones on. 
Tonight we did a Pizza & Movie Night. Jason & Peggy stayed too and spent this time with us. We watched the movie "Tangled" and had cheese-stuffed crust pizza, salad, and chips. Then during our 'inter-mission' we had cake and ice cream. 
It was a fun time - and we don't see Jaide and Jared as often because of other things that they do during the week - so it was nice to see them too.  
Jared sat with me in the chair for part of the movie. And just so you don't think I'm TOTALLY lazy... ..... I actually had to physically drive the car to pick up the pizza because they don't deliver to our house. So I feel like that should redeem me from being considered completely lazy.

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