Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 207

I got emails from Wade today. He has finally arrived at his final destination and is happy about that. There is work waiting for his attention and he can go through that in the days to come. His friend brought him some local food and he is feeling 'loved' through the food. That's nice. 
I woke up this morning - loaded up the car, hugged my animals goodbye and headed for Georgia. Today it took me 10 hours due to some construction, but I finally arrived at about 7:00 and Tiffany had dinner ready and waiting when I arrived. 
Just having a quiet evening in the living room now and making plans for tomorrow and Saturday. And I saw that the weather is going to take a drastic turn to cooler temperatures here too. Can't wait!! 
Okay - Tiff, there you go, that's enough for tonight, go to bed, good night and sweet dreams. 

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