Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 81

Today was a whole day of traveling. I woke up at 6:45 and I was out of the house by about 8:45. I had no clothes or toiletries packed until this morning. I took a different route down to Georgia and it was soooo much nicer. I went down 68 to 71 then took 275 to 75. I skirted Dayton AND Cincinnati and crossed into Kentucky on a different route. 
This week has been pretty intense with lots of thunderstorms, tornado watches, etc. As I drove through Xenia this morning the roads were covered in leaves, rain gutters were hanging off eaves, and trees were laying down when they really shouldn't be doing that. I'm guessing they had a tornado pass through there last night. Xenia is famous for attracting tornadoes and they have gone through that many, many times. 
Again, through Tennessee, I encountered some pretty strong thunderstorms, and at least 4 different times I passed accidents where people slid off into ditches, walls, other cars and I'm assuming it was due to the heavy rains and winds. I thought I was through it all when I entered Georgia, but I was wrong. First however, as I was coming down 75 in the area just north of Cartersville, I noticed both sides of the road were stripped of trees. But not just stripped, it looked like the trunks had been twisted and ripped off - which I am guessing is exactly what happened. It was a very eerie sight, just remnants of trees that were now 5 or 6 foot high stubs. Tiffany says about 3 weeks ago, there were a string of tornadoes that went through the area. This is about 15-18 miles from Tiffany's house - not very far at all. 
As I was on the final road to Tiffany's, I drove through another storm that dropped large hail. Many cars pulled over to wait out the hail, but I just kept on driving and arrived here safely. (Wade - that would be the road that I think Mimi lives off of...............)
We had more storms this evening but no damage or power loss. 
I posted Wade's blog to Facebook and he will send it out in the morning via email. He is fine and I've been sending little emails throughout the day letting him know where I was in my traveling. 
Tomorrow morning we get up to go watch Sam 'graduate' from elementary school into middle school. Then I heard we will probably go enjoy a lunch together. 

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