Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 35

Final Day in Georgia
So here is my final day in Georgia for this trip. Tiffany & I woke up (on time! I might add) and went to Sunday School and church. Great services and Tiffany taught a wonderful Sunday School class. Good all around. 
Wade had written that his back was really, really hurting and asked for prayer from us and also from our Sunday School class at home. He is hoping that whatever it is, it can be treated where he is right now. If he has to travel to Bagram to see a doctor, it would most likely aggravate the problem. He wrote back later this evening that he was feeling much, much better and was appreciative of the prayers that were offered on his behalf.
Sam & Shelby were not yet home from their other relatives' homes so Tiffany and I decided to declare Sunday afternoon - Official Nap Time!! The best decision ever! I grabbed my new friend, Opie, and laid down with a book that didn't get read very much. But the relaxing and quiet sure felt good and we both woke up energized. 
Sam & Shelby arrived about 5:30 and we had a crock pot chicken stew that was completely delicious. Potatoes, carrots, peas and big pieces of chicken. Tonight we are watching Toy Story 3 on Netflix. I will be packing up and getting ready for travel after that. But for now I am enjoying spending this time with my family. Shelby and I had a good time together earlier and I helped her with some math homework. I always love math and wish I could continue taking math classes sometimes. Both kids are gearing up to take statewide assessment testing this coming week - Sam's is pretty crucial as it will determine whether or not he advances to 6th grade and middle school. Good luck, Sam! 
I had planned on using a wax hand spa treatment with all of us tonight, but I started it too late. I didn't realize it would take 2+ hours to melt the wax. We're delaying this treat until my next trip down south in May. 
Wade wrote later today that he has already almost finished his next weekly update this early. His brain is storing up and planning all these stories for future weekly updates. I can't wait to hear! 

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