Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 37

Today was a mixed day of busy-ness and lazy-ness. My kind of day. I took my new kitty to the vet and was pleased to hear that he is good and healthy. Always good news. After that I went to PetSmart to buy a few necessities for the home and some food to fatten him up a little bit. It always seems that the animals coming out of the shelter are too skinny - they need love and food. 
Wade wrote and let me know that some things may change with his deployment, but as usual, this is the government and nothing is set in stone until the very last minute. And then it may still change again. My lesson for the day is flexibility and the ability to accept whatever. To look beyond the immediate and anticipate the greater reward. Today in everyday circumstances and as well as in our lives (the BIG picture). Disappointments, struggles, stumbling blocks, inconveniences are all temporary - work on an attitude adjustment and anticipate the goodness that will eventually come to pass.   
Wade sent this picture. It is actually taken in Iraq, but looks like it could have been California. He is so tempted to ask to drive one, but with the gear he needs to wear and the condition of the sand (not roads) he is smart to just wait and drive his own motorcycle at home. 
Jared had an art show at his school this evening and I met them all at the school to view the display. This is showing his gourd. There is a teacher at the school and each year he grows enough gourds to provide one for each 2nd grader. They take them home and decorate them. There are some pretty creative displays on that table behind him. 
His picture on this wall is the elephant above his right shoulder, although he stated that he made a rhinoceros. His name was written on the elephant by someone else so that's the one that we're taking a picture of. His lesson of the evening is write your name on everything. Good lesson for all of us sometimes.   

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