Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 245

How nice, I got to sleep in a little - or rather because of the time change I got more sleep. I actually woke up on my own instead of letting the alarm clock wake me up. 
I started a new section in Sunday School and I taught twelve 4th graders this morning. It went very smoothly through the story, but the craft got slowed down a little. Note to self: do more cutting and prep work for the younger kids. 
Today was Peggy's birthday - we had dinner this afternoon for her. 
Dinner was:
Chicken Cordon Bleu or Broccoli Stuffed Chicken,
Potatoes au Gratin,
Skillet Corn,
3 Bean Salad, 
French Bread,
and then 
Red Velvet Cake 
which was requested by Peggy - a first for me. I like trying new things, and this frosting recipe was so different from anything I've ever made before. 
And of course she was required to make the first cut. A pretty wild cut - so glad that the cake went down-stairs and they have to deal with the strange pieces that will come from that! 
So I am resting tonight and preparing myself for a full day tomorrow. It's only 6:00 and already dark outside. And I learned that Wade does not observe daylight savings time over there so it's now 8 hours difference between us. 

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